Posted in Life

The List


Some women have a list of what they would want their “perfect” guy to be. I quote perfect because we all know saying perfect and a guy in the same sentence is hysterical.

Well, back to this post. Some people will make a list (mental or physical) of what they want in a partner. Obviously, the list varies and because women are allegedly complicated (COUGH COUGH ), we have longer list. If we are complicated, sometimes….well, we most certainly are not complicated most times, but you get the gist.

As we grow and matures, you start to see that the list of what you want is really just things we wish to have, but they are impossible standards to hold people to.  Now I know some women are lucky to meet the guys on their list
There is always that ONE exception of course- Go you!
Whether your guy now is the guy from your list or not,  I wanted to make a few points about compromising.

I have come to realize that with age and maturity, come changes to items on the list. It is no longer just that perfect guy. It has nothing to do looks or other physical characteristics. What becomes important is YOU and how happy he/she makes YOU. Your list can have all those nice qualities and attributes, but you must have those same one to attract others. You cannot be asking for apples and holding gin. If you can’t offer apples, at least have a fruit.

When you meet him/her and you start to discover things that makes YOU happy and your definition of happiness itself start to change, trust me, the list would not matter! Do not get me wrong because some things on our list as women are pretty damn important. Look at Lauren…



What girl doesn’t want a guy with nice eyes and hair?!? *insert sarcasm here*
A pretty face would not pay the bills and a hefty bank account certainly would not perform in the sheets. You most certainly can still have these things from your “perfect guy” without requiring them prior to knowing him.

As we grow and matures, things on your list start to become trivial.
When you are stuck at a job you hate and he sends a note to brighten your day, the list is far less important

When your car is covered with snow and he shows up to get you out and ready for a job interview, you will not have time to review your list.
As you get to know people, you get to add new things to your list or erase those things that didn’t really matter. (cough cough Blue eyes Bobby)
You find yourself spending more time adding thing that will only make YOU happy and erasing those things that was appealing to the eyes of others.

If you are still trying to find a partner that will fit certain attributes, I caution you to start over on a whole new page. Get a list that focuses on YOU as a person and all that life has taught you about love.
Let your list reflect someone that would give happiness a whole new meaning. After all, who needs abs when you can discuss retirement plans or point out why Africa is the poorest richest continent ?


I hope this inspires someone to take a good look at what they are looking for in a partner


Citizen of the World telling stories to change the narrative of Africa. Yes, there is poverty, but we have so much more to offer. Watch and learn....

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